とどめをさす: とどめをさす 止めを刺す to put an end to to finish by a stab in the neck 泣き面に蜂: 泣き面に蜂 なきつらにはち misfortunes seldom come alone it rains, but it pours ~はほかの…とどのように[どんなふうに]違うのですか?: In what way is ~ different from other ...? 泣き面に蜂で: to complete the misery 政権にとどめを刺す: finish off the government 議論にとどめを刺す: clinch the argument 他人の苦しみに無神経な(人)には吐き気がする: be sick to the back teeth of someone's insensitivity towards the suffering of others 他人の苦しみに鈍感な(人)には吐き気がする: be sick to the back teeth of someone's insensitivity towards the suffering of others たくさんの苦しみに遭う: go through a lot 死の苦しみに横たわる: lie in mortal agony 離婚の苦しみに耐える: endure the pain of a divorce …にとどめる: 1. clamp ~ to 2. clip ~ to〔~を〕 げんきゅうにとどめる: げんきゅうにとどめる 原級に留める to keep (a student) back (to repeat a grade) と言うにとどめておく: suffice it to say that〔that以下〕 愛の苦しみ: agonies of love